Sunday, March 23, 2008

Women In Art

by Philip Scott Johnson

Sunday, March 16, 2008

the Toy Museum in London

I was walking around in the Goodge street area the other day and came across a small Toy museum in a place that was once the house and store of toy makers of old... the museum was inspiring, beautiful and creepy.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

sleep cycle

REM sleep |rem|
a kind of sleep that occurs at intervals during the night and is characterized by rapid eye movements, more dreaming and bodily movement, and faster pulse and breathing.


dream |drēm|
a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep : I had a recurrent dream about falling from great heights.
• [in sing. ] a state of mind in which someone is or seems to be unaware of their immediate surroundings : he had been walking around in a dream all day.
• a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal : I fulfilled a childhood dream when I became champion | the girl of my dreams | [as adj. ] they'd found their dream home.
• an unrealistic or self-deluding fantasy : maybe he could get a job and earn some money—but he knew this was just a dream.
• a person or thing perceived as wonderful or perfect : her new man's an absolute dream | it was a dream of a backhand | she's a couturier's dream.
verb ( past and past part. dreamed or dreamt |dremt|) [ intrans. ]
1 experience dreams during sleep : I dreamed about her last night.
• [ trans. ] see, hear, or feel (something) in a dream : maybe you dreamed it | [with clause ] I dreamed that I was going to be executed.
• indulge in daydreams or fantasies, typically about something greatly desired : she had dreamed of a trip to Italy.
• [ trans. ] ( dream time away) waste one's time in a lazy, unproductive way.
2 [with negative ] contemplate the possibility of doing something or that something might be the case : I wouldn't dream of foisting myself on you | [with clause ] I never dreamed anyone would take offense.
beyond one's wildest dreams bigger or better than could be reasonably expected : stockbrokers command salaries beyond the wildest dreams of most workers.
in your dreams used in spoken English to assert that something much desired is not likely ever to happen.
in one's wildest dreams [with negative ] used to emphasize that a situation is beyond the scope of one's imagination : she could never in her wildest dreams have imagined the summer weather in New York.
like a dream informal very well or successfully : the car is still running like a dream.
dream on [in imperative ] informal used, esp. in spoken English, as an ironic comment on the unlikely or impractical nature of a plan or aspiration : Dean thinks he's going to get the job. Dream on, babe.
dream something up imagine or invent something : he's been dreaming up new ways of attracting customers.
dreamful |-fəl| adjective ( poetic/literary)
dreamless adjective
dreamlike |-ˌlīk| adjective
ORIGIN Middle English : of Germanic origin, related to Dutch droom and German Traum, and probably also to Old English drēam [joy, music.]

1 I awoke from my dreams REM sleep; nightmare; vision, fantasy, hallucination.
2 she went around in a dream daydream, reverie, trance, daze, stupor, haze.
3 he realized his childhood dream ambition, aspiration, hope; goal, aim, objective, grail, intention, intent, target; desire, wish, yearning; daydream, fantasy, pipe dream.
4 he's an absolute dream delight, joy, marvel, wonder, gem, treasure; beauty, vision.
1 she dreamed about her own funeral have a dream, have a nightmare.
2 I dreamt of making the Olympic team fantasize about, daydream about; wish for, hope for, long for, yearn for, hanker after, set one's heart on; aspire to, aim for, set one's sights on.
3 she's always dreaming daydream, be in a trance, be lost in thought, be preoccupied, be abstracted, stare into space, muse, be in la-la land.
4 I wouldn't dream of being late think, consider, contemplate, conceive.
his dream home ideal, perfect, fantasy.
dream up I dreamed up some new excuse think up, invent, concoct, devise, hatch, contrive, create, work out, come up with; informal cook up.